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The Critical Role of Cultural Awareness, Emotional Intelligence, and Mindfulness in Effective Communication You are currently


The Critical Role of Cultural Awareness, Emotional Intelligence, and Mindfulness in Effective Communication

You are currently working in a communications and public relations firm. Your supervisor is aware that you have been studying communication competence and, in particular, the skills and responsibilities of competent intercultural communicators. She asked if you would be willing to share what you are learning with your coworkers. You readily agree to do a presentation titled, “The Critical Role of Cultural Awareness, Emotional Intelligence, and Mindfulness in Effective Communication.” She loves the outline you provided and has asked that you create a PowerPoint presentation, complete with speaker notes on each slide, to present to the group and later share with those who aren’t able to attend. Your goal is to not only explain communication competence as it relates to intercultural competence, cultural awareness, emotional intelligence, and mindfulness, but you also want to set an example by evaluating your own communication competence as a way to model professional growth and development. You’ve decided to cap off the presentation by connecting the concepts to a public figure whose actions have been in the news.

Your PowerPoint presentation will include the following:

Part 1: What Is Communication Competence?

This section of your PowerPoint presentation will include slides that explain and give examples of communication competence related to intercultural competence and cultural awareness, emotional intelligence, and mindfulness. You decide to

  • Explain intercultural competence and cultural awareness and how both can support communication competence. Include relevant examples and/or quotes. (1–2 slides)
  • Explain emotional intelligence and how it can support communication competence. Include relevant examples and/or quotes. (1–2 slides)
  • Explain mindfulness and how it can support communication competence. Include relevant examples and/or quotes. (1–2 slides)

Part 2: Evaluating and Enhancing Communication Competence

This section of your PowerPoint presentation has two sections. In the first section you will strive to evaluate and enhance your own communication competence. In the second section, you will do the same for a public figure whose image is in need of repair.

  • Section 1: Evaluating and Enhancing Your Own Communication Competence
    • To evaluate your communication competence, take at least two of the quizzes presented in the Module 2 resources. Make sure one focuses on cultural awareness and the other on emotional intelligence.
    • Summarize the evaluations, citing the sources that helped you assess your strengths and limitations. (1–2 slides)
    • Describe at least 3 strategies that can help you enhance your communication skills in these areas. Again, cite your sources. (1–2 slides)
    • Additionally, summarize insights you gained from this evaluation. (1–2 slides)
  • Section 2: Evaluating and Enhancing the Communication Competence of a Public Figure
    • Choose a specific political figure, celebrity, sports figure, CEO of a company, or other public figure who has recently been in the news and has exhibited offensive/sexist/racist verbal and/or nonverbal actions that have not met with public approval.
    • Summarize this person’s competency as a communicator, i.e., his or her communication strengths and limitations related to cultural awareness, emotional intelligence, and mindfulness, related to recent events. Substantiate your thinking by citing the resources. (1–2 slides)
    • Describe the practical advice/strategies you would offer this person to improve his or her communication competence in these areas to begin to repair his or her image. (1–2 slides)

Note: The last slide (or slides) of your PowerPoint presentation should list the resources you used for your presentation.

PowerPoint Presentation Guidelines The Assessment for this Competency is the creation of a PowerPoint slide deck presentation. Communicating effectively using presentation software like PowerPoint is a much sought-after skill in the business world regardless of industry. Creating one for this Competency will give you practice in this valued skill. So, take this opportunity to practice and create the best presentation you can. Requirements for this Assessment:

• Your presentation should be 8–16 slides. However, please note: If you need to use more than 16 slides that is fine as well, but use no less than 8.

• In addition to the 8–16 slides, you must have a title slide and a slide with your references.

• Text on slides should be succinct. Use as few words as possible to communicate core ideas. Less is often more. Stick to bulleted phrases or short sentences.

• Because your slides should be simple, the actual information you would present if you were speaking to a group MUST be included in the Speaker Notes that accompany each slide.

• Please follow the order of the Assessment in your presentation (Part 1, then Part 2: Section 1 and Section 2).

• Give credit where credit is due by providing citations in APA format, if warranted. All material borrowed or quoted must include appropriate citation information. This can be in smaller fonts. Please see the Walden Writing Center for more information on what type of information needs citations.

Best practices for a Power Point presentation:

• Keep a consistent look and feel by using a template, either the one provided or one appropriate to your presentation.

• Don’t go font crazy. Stick to one or two fonts that are easy to read.

• Consider changing the graphic layout of the slides every few slides. If all of the material is presented in the same format, audience members may stop paying attention.

• Avoid too many decorative graphic elements. Informational graphics are welcomed, but if the element does not help tell the story of the presentation, it is a distraction.

• Use the highest resolution graphic available. Low resolution graphics are fuzzy when projected.

• Always use spell-check and proofread your grammar.


©2019 Walden University 1

IL4003: Skills and Responsibilities of Competent Intercultural Communicators: Evaluate communication skills that lead to effective intercultural communication competence.

Assessment Rubric

Rubric Criteria 0

Not Present 1

Needs Improvement 2

Meets Expectations Part 1: What Is Communication Competence?

Explain intercultural competence and cultural awareness and how both can support communication competence. Includes relevant examples and/or quotes. LO 1.1: Explain how intercultural competence and cultural awareness support communication competence

Response is missing. Explanation of the intercultural

competence and cultural

awareness and how both can

support communication is

vague, inaccurate, and/or

incomplete and/or examples

and/or quotes are lacking.

Response provides a clear,

accurate, and complete

explanation of the intercultural

competence and cultural

awareness and how both can

support communication and

includes examples and/or quotes

to support points.

Explain emotional intelligence and how it can support communication competence. Includes relevant examples and/or quotes. LO 1.2: Explain how emotional intelligence supports communication competence

Response is missing. Explanation of emotional

intelligence and how it can

support communication

competence is vague,

inaccurate, and/or incomplete

and/or examples and/or quotes

are lacking.

Response provides a clear,

accurate, and complete

explanation of emotional

intelligence and how it can

support communication

competence and includes

examples and/or quotes to

support points.

Explain mindfulness and how it can support communication

Response is missing. Explanation of mindfulness and

how it can support

communication competence is

Response provides a clear,

accurate, and complete

explanation of mindfulness and

©2019 Walden University 2

Rubric Criteria 0

Not Present 1

Needs Improvement 2

Meets Expectations competence. Include relevant examples and/or quotes. LO 1.3: Explain how mindfulness supports communication competence

vague, inaccurate, and/or

incomplete and/or examples

and/or quotes are lacking.

how it can support

communication competence and

includes examples and/or quotes

to support points.

Part 2: Evaluating and Enhancing Communication Competence

Summarize the evaluations (at least one on cultural awareness and at least one on emotional intelligence) and cite the sources that helped assess your strengths and limitations. LO 2.1: Evaluate personal communication skills based on assessments

Response is missing. Summary of the evaluations (at

least one on cultural awareness

and at least one on emotional

intelligence) and citation of

sources that helped assess your

strengths and limitations is

vague, inaccurate, and/or


Response provides a clear,

accurate, and complete

summary of the evaluations (at

least one on cultural awareness

and at least one on emotional

intelligence) and cites the

sources that helped assess your

strengths and limitations.

Describe at least three strategies that can help you enhance your communication skills in these areas and cite your sources. LO 2.2: Describe strategies to enhance communication skills in the areas of cultural awareness and emotional intelligence

Response is missing. Description of the strategies

supported by cited sources that

can help enhance

communication skills related to

cultural awareness and

mindfulness is vague,

inaccurate, and/or incomplete.

Response provides a clear,

accurate, and complete

description of strategies

supported by cited sources that

enhance communication skills

related to cultural awareness

and emotional intelligence.

Summarize the public figure’s

competency as a communicator

and substantiate points by citing


Response is missing. Summary of public figure’s

competency as a communicator

and/or substantiation of points

Response provides a clear,

accurate, and complete

summary of public figure’s

©2019 Walden University 3

Rubric Criteria 0

Not Present 1

Needs Improvement 2

Meets Expectations LO 2.3: Evaluate communication strengths and limitations related to cultural awareness, emotional intelligence, and mindfulness

is vague, inaccurate, and/or


competency as a communicator

and/or substantiation of points.

Describe the practical advice/strategies you would offer the public figure to improve his or her communication competence in these areas to begin to repair his or her image. LO 2.4: Describe strategies to improve communication competence related to cultural awareness, emotional intelligence, and mindfulness

Response is missing. Description of the practical

advice/strategies you would

offer the public figure to

improve his or her

communication competence in

these areas to begin to repair

his or her image is vague,

inaccurate, and/or incomplete.

Response provides a clear,

accurate, and complete

description of the practical

advice/strategies you would

offer the public figure to

improve his or her

communication competence in

these areas to begin to repair his

or her image.

Mastery Rubric No Yes

Exceeds Expectations: Exceeds Expectations: Connections to Experience: Connects relevant experience and academic knowledge

LO1: Make connections to relevant experiences and academic knowledge in evaluation of

Responses to the items do not consistently make connections to relevant experiences and academic knowledge in evaluation of communication skills

Responses to the items consistently make

connections to relevant experiences and academic

knowledge in evaluation of communication skills

©2019 Walden University 4

communication skills that lead to effective intercultural communication competence.

that lead to effective intercultural communication competence.

that lead to effective intercultural communication


Professional Skills Building 0

Not Present


Needs Improvement


Meets Expectations

Written Communication: Write with clarity, coherence, and purpose

Written Communication WC 1.1

– Construct complete and correct


Sentences are

incoherent and impede

reader’s access to ideas.

Sentences are incomplete and/or

include fragments and run-on

sentences, limiting reader’s access

to ideas.

Sentences structure effectively conveys

meaning to the reader.

Written Communication WC 1.2

– Demonstrate the effective use of

grammar and mechanics.

Multiple inaccuracies in

grammar and

mechanics impede

reader’s access to ideas.

Some inaccuracies in grammar and

mechanics limit reader’s access to


Use of grammar and mechanics is

straightforward and effectively conveys

meaning to reader.

Written Communication WC 1.3

– Create cohesive paragraphs with

a clear central idea.

Paragraphs, or lack of

paragraphs, impede

reader’s access to ideas.

Construction of main idea and/or

supporting paragraphs limit

reader’s access to ideas.

Main idea and/or supporting

paragraphs effectively convey meaning

to reader.

©2019 Walden University 5

Written Communication WC 1.4

– Use supporting material to

support a claim.

Supporting materials

are not present.

Supporting material is used

inconsistently or inappropriately.

Supporting material is used to enhance

meaning. Writing is appropriately

paraphrased and uses direct quotes as


Written Communication WC 1.5 –

Demonstrate appropriate essay

level writing skills, providing

transitions between an

introduction, body, and conclusion.

Ideas are disorganized

with no/poor


Ideas are loosely organized with

unclear paragraphing and


Ideas are organized with cohesive


Written Communication WC 1.6

– Identify sources.

Sources are missing. Writing inconsistently identifies or

misrepresents sources.

Writing clearly identifies the source of

nonoriginal material and/or ideas.

Information Literacy: Apply strategies to evaluate information in order to effectively analyze issues and make decisions

Information Literacy IC 1.1

– Identify and locate credible


No sources or

noncredible sources are


Sources are inconsistently credible,

appropriate, and relevant to the

topic and/or assessment.

Sources are mostly credible,

appropriate, and relevant to the topic

and/or assessment.

Information Literacy IC 1.2

– Analyze information sources.

Analysis is not present. Analysis superficially applies

aspects of sources that are most

relevant to the topic and/or

assessment and/or analysis is


Analysis thoroughly and clearly applies

aspects of sources that are most

relevant to the topic and/or


Engaging Multiple Social and Cultural Perspectives: Apply strategies to develop intellectual flexibility and broad knowledge that enables perception of the world through the perspectives of diverse social and cultural perspectives.

©2019 Walden University 6

Engaging Multiple Social and Cultural Perspectives EP 1.1 – Recognize the value of one’s own and others’ social and cultural perspectives.

Recognition is not present.

Response demonstrates a vague understanding of how different cultural and social perspectives might affect interpretations of issues.

Response demonstrates a clear understanding of how different cultural and social perspectives might affect interpretations of issues.


The Critical Role of Cultural Awareness, Emotional Intelligence, and Mindfulness in Effective Communication

Note: You will find the Assessment instructions in each section of each slide. Complete each of the slides and place your speaker notes in this section underneath each slide. Add slides to this template as needed.


Part 1: What Is Communication Competence?

(No speaker notes needed here.)


Intercultural Competence and Cultural Awareness

Explain intercultural competence and cultural awareness and how both can support communication competence. Include relevant examples and/or quotes. (1–2 slides)


Emotional Intelligence

Explain emotional intelligence and how it can support communication competence. Include relevant examples and/or quotes. (1–2 slides)



Explain mindfulness and how it can support communication competence. Include relevant examples and/or quotes. (1–2 slides)


Part 2: Evaluating and Enhancing Communication Competence

(No speaker notes needed here.)


Section 1: Evaluating and Enhancing Your Own Communication Competence

To evaluate your communication competence, take at least two of the quizzes presented in the Module 2 Resources. Make sure one focuses on cultural awareness and the other on emotional intelligence.

Summarize the evaluations, citing the sources that helped you assess your strengths and limitations. (1–2 slides)

Describe at least 3 strategies that can help you enhance your communication skills in these areas. Again, cite your sources. (1–2 slides)

Additionally, summarize insights you gained from this evaluation. (1–2 slides)




Section 2: Evaluating and Enhancing the Communication Competency of a Public Figure

Choose a specific political figure, celebrity, sports figure, CEO of a company, or other public figure who has recently been in the news and has exhibited offensive/sexist/racist verbal and/or nonverbal actions that have not met with public approval.

Summarize this person’s competency as a communicator, i.e., his or her communication strengths and limitations related to cultural awareness, emotional intelligence, and mindfulness, related to recent events. Substantiate your thinking by citing the resources. (1–2 slides)

Describe the practical advice/strategies you would offer this person to improve his or her communication competence in these areas to begin to repair his or her image. (1–2 slides)


Presentation Resources

Cite the resources you used for your presentation. Add a slide (or slides) if needed.



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