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Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 (Thursday) and you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses. Refer to the Discussion Forum Grading...

In a 12-15 slide PowerPoint® presentation (excluding title and reference slides) provide information as well as analyze the roles of the following areas in criminal justice leadership strategies and practices: Organizational culture Behavioral theory Planning Community relationsYour presentation should include, at...

 Unit I Reflection Paper Write a minimum of a 750-word reflection paper on the following topic: Compare and contrast the worst and best jobs that you have held in your career. If you do not have work experience, share volunteer or personal team experiences. 1....

from irving place. most of them are one word question and the one for paragraph needs only 5 lines.  1. Who is your county commissioner? What district or place does he represent? 2. How are County Commissioners chosen? What are the terms of a County Commissioner?3. Write...

Suppose you decide (as did Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg) to start a company. Your product is a software platform that integrates a wide range of media devices, including laptop computers, desktop computers, digital video recorders, and cell phones. Your initial market is the student...

 Communication is a vital tool to have in business and personally.  As human resource professionals, you will communicate continuously with many people, including management, employees and consultants.  One area of communication that can be both effective and detrimental is communicating through emails and texts.  Because...

 3 FULL PAGES   NO PLAGIARISM    DUE TOMORROW, (12/06/2018), NO LATER!!!!Prior to beginning work on this interactive assignment, please read the Neimeyer, et al. (2011) “How Special Are the Specialties? Workplace Settings in Counseling and Clinical Psychology in the United States” and Heatherington, et al. (2012)...