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 Assignment 2: Program Review Scavenger HuntThe Program Review Scavenger Hunt is a series of information searches designed to ensure that you are aware of essential resources and requirements for success in the BSEE program. This Assignment is located in ePortfolio and self-paced. You have three...

Select a theme focusing on artistic artifacts from prehistory to 1400 looking at ties between these cultures and the contemporary world. For example, you might explore classical Greek architecture and its parallels to more recent architecture. Or, you might examine Gothic cathedrals and address their...

  video link  Answer the following questions in about three double spaced pages. You can answer eachquestion directly, or craft a general essay that touches on all the questions. Use standardEnglish in your essay; grammar and spelling count! Be sure to cite specific examples fromthe film.1. Why...

 Although you are just beginning your doctoral journey, you should begin giving thought to your research topic. As you are continuing to learn, scholarly research and writing are critical skills required for completing the DBA program, including your Doctoral Study. One aspect of scholarly research...

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Please read the articles titled, “Clarify What’s Important to You” (in the course packet).  Then, address the following THREE points. Note: Your submission should be no more than 4 double-spaced pages in length (Times New Roman Font, 1 inch margins and font size 12). Please...

 course-Level Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)For all Assessments, the following general requirements hold:(1) Assignments should be 2-3 double-spaced pages, with reasonable (12 pt.) font and reasonable (1 inch) margins.(2) Citations to the material are required; in-text citations are preferred (MLA style).(3) Assignments should be turned into...