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Please read the articles titled, “Clarify What’s Important to You” (in the course packet).  Then, address the following THREE points. Note: Your submission should be no more than 4 double-spaced pages in length (Times New Roman Font, 1 inch margins and font size 12). Please...

 course-Level Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)For all Assessments, the following general requirements hold:(1) Assignments should be 2-3 double-spaced pages, with reasonable (12 pt.) font and reasonable (1 inch) margins.(2) Citations to the material are required; in-text citations are preferred (MLA style).(3) Assignments should be turned into...

 INSTRUCTIONS The Case of MarisolMarisol is a 40-year old single female from a tight knit Puerto Rican family. She is employed full time as a data analyst for a technology company. She has steadily progressed in her career by working for relatively small companies where her...

Mini-Project Assignment #1Short Report on Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and the ApplicationsPurpose of the Assignment:This assignment has a two-fold purpose:1. To keep you update of the current development of information technologies for management.2. To build up your skills in searching, summarizing and presenting information in...

ScenarioAs the human resources (HR) manager for a public organization, you are conducting a New Hire Orientation session for all new employees. As research for your orientation, you are writing a report about the functions of the organization, its strengths and weaknesses, and its mission,...