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i. Identify and describe the problem in clear and concise language. To help you think about what problem you might choose, keep in mind the health or nursing problems of the patient population(s) you currently serve, those you encountered in your clinical courses, or those...

This week, you will begin a Literature Review Assignment, which will be due Day 7 of Week 10. For this three-part Assignment, you will search for evidence using the tools that are part of the Johns Hopkins Translation of Evidence Model. First, you will...

Choose a current article related to this week's material. Review and summarize the article, and then provide an analysis of the article applying the concepts related to this week’s material. This assignment should be written in APA style and should include the following. 1. Two pages in...

This assignment is designed to help students learn about various resources available for professional development, as well as engage in the thoughtful examination of pertinent leadership topics. You may select any web seminar from those available online addressing leadership issues and topics. Some suggested websites are...

The essay titled “Gardens: Can They Save the World?” (which analyzes “Why Bother?”) develops the analysis by making claims about the author’s methods. That is, she does not move chronologically through Pollan’s essay. Instead, to support the thesis, the student makes main points about the essay’s rhetoric and...

In Week 2, you submitted the central focus for a possible action research study along with a rationale for that study. Remind us about your topic by describing the study in a sentence or two and then talk about how you see the feasibility for...