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Argumentation and persuasion permeate our lives. From the news media and advertisements to our friends and family members, they all in one form or another present arguments in order to persuade us to accept some viewpoint and/or to act in some way. The ways in...

To effectively lesson plan, teachers must be able to take a state standard, craft well-aligned and measurable learning objectives, create a list of materials needed, identify academic language needed for mastery, effectively introduce the lesson, and design activities and assessments that reflect the intended learning...

1. Describe how and why you selected your persuasive topic. What motivated you to speak on the selected topic for your persuasive speech? 2. When researching your topic, what resources (i.e. the library, magazines, on-line databases, etc.) did you use to find reliable and reputable sources...

· Do a peer-review journal article search for four (4) articles on Social and four (4) on Emotional benefits of Homeschooling · Review all eight (8) articles focusing on study demographics, main findings, limitations, and future research recommendations. · Write a one (1) page summary for...

1. Was it unique to the individual service user? Does it detail who the person is? 2. Was it person-centered and focused on the individual’s strengths and abilities? 3. Were the person’s choices included? 4. Were all members of the interdisciplinary team, including family, involved...

Case Study 1 - Mark and Joe: In Love at the Party Mark invites Susan to their party and Susan accepts. She has enjoyed their conversations in the coffee shop and decides she needs to get out.At the party, Joe and his date meet Susan and they...

For this assignment, write an argument analysis essay (minimum 1,000 words) based on Tom Nichols’ entire text or a particular argument from one of his chapters. Your aim is to investigate Nichols’ claim and provide a critical analysis of the logic in his position, incorporating...

You have acquired a vast knowledge about multiple topics relevant to managers and HR professionals. As managers and HR professionals, we must be proactive in addressing possible opportunities and threats in our environments (internal and external), and prepare for possible catalysts of change. If not...

Discuss the individual contributions that could be made by a cross-functional team to the following list of activities. Assume the team consists of engineering, manufacturing, and supply management personnel. a. Specifications Development b. Market Analysis c. Productivity/cost improvements d. Make or buy analysis e. Determination...