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  one social problem unique to what we have  Your problem should be backed up with qualitative and/or quantitate data (re: subjective or objective understandings of its existence), and something you are proud of that your community (local example) is doing to address the problem,...

 Summarize this week's lessons in relation to the interview with Dr. Gabor Mate linked below.  Make sure to bring in at least three weekly readings, and any other insights acquired the rest of the quarter or from lecture this week.     300 words   Dr. Gabor Maté...

  Chapter 7 Assignment: Workshop: Designing Effective Practices - Day 2 - Part 1 (Before lunch)  This is continued from week #2. You an athletic director at a school and level of your choice (youth-sports organization, high school, or college) and are preparing to hold a...

  Sociologists are Social Scientists and, as scientists, emphasize the importance of conducting value-free Sociological research. What tools/methods/techniques do Sociologists use in order to engage in non-biased, value-free research? How do sociologists try to remove their personal biases?  In what ways can the scientific method help to ensure...

  Sociologist C. Wright Mills identified the importance of using one's Sociological Imagination - the ability to find the relationship between individual lives (personal facts) and larger social issues.  Use your Sociological Imagination to introduce yourself by using personal facts (things that have happened just...

choose any one city in the United states.  in 750-950 words discuss the diversity of that city, including the following areas: Discuss the demographic makeup of this city (e.g. racial makeup, gender distribution, number of LGBT individuals, predominant socioeconomic groups). Identify at least 1 significant...

  Choose one of the following early sociologists: Harriet Martineau, Emile Durkheim, Karl Marx, Max Weber, or W.E.B. DuBois.  (Please change the title of your post to indicate about which sociologist you will be writing.)  Describe two contributions that this scholar made to sociology that...

 Watch, read, and summarize, by providing at least 3-4 sentences, the materials listed below:   After completing the readings, make sure to provide something to substantiate the readings--something that allows you to take what you learn and move beyond by applying theories, providing examples through different...