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As you review this week, successful balanced literacy programs are “balanced with a combination of explicit instruction, small group and whole-class literacy activities, and independent reviewing and writing opportunities” that might also include several instructional approaches (Kostelnik, Soderman, Whiren, & Rupiper, 2019). According to the article...

You should demonstrate what you have learned about the basics of "social problems" from this introductory chapter, discuss your response to the reading, and pose any questions or critiques. Reflections should be 700 words, give or take, and key components of your reflections should: Note essential concepts,...

The community assessment process typically begins with an exploration of the community’s history and geographic characteristics. The community health nurse then thinks critically about this information to form some conclusions about how the community’s characteristics might impact the delivery of nursing services within the community. Directions:...

Parents, educators, and the community have viewed assessments as biased. In fact, the article from this week's reading, "Uncovering Implicit Bias in Assessment, Feedback, and Grading," indicated that current assessment practices in the educational system could bring about inequality among different populations. According to the...

In this assignment, you will discuss the foundation of your current understanding, assumptions, or predictions related to your research question. Making a base of predictions is essential to demonstrate your starting point before diving deeper into new research. The rationale will help you explain...

Part of the reading for week 7 involves a discussion of effective courtroom testimony. The testimony from expert witnesses has to be presented in a manner that is clear, based on facts and science, and can stand up to close examination by both the plaintiff's...

Years ago, the OJ Simpson trial was televised to the entire country virtually every day. The court was in session and there was considerable discussion about how the evidence was handled both at the crime scene and after its collection at that location. There were...

In this discussion, we will take a closer look at the process of PCR amplification. The amount of DNA evidence that might be available at the crime scene is often insufficient to conduct DNA testing. That is where PCR amplification comes in. In your main response,...